Ch. Galadriel del Bosco Atro

f, SBI C - Lilac Point

n. 14 Ottobre 2004

Number of generations 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9, Inbreeding=0%, Pedigree analysis: InfoFoundation
Kintamani Brillantina, SBI a
Cocoa Colour Katmandu Song Hio, SBI b Raus Höjden's Al Capone, SBI b, 1996-06-07
Dutch Miss Daisy Song Hio, SBI n 21
Star, SBI a, 1992-08-20 Pillow di Snow Paws, SBI a
Queen of the Moon, SBI a
Int. Ch.Adonis blue Starlet
Las Perlas-Sin Gin Fizz, SBI c 21, 2002-03-06
Change cat
CH Sacresinh Bokushi, SBI n
Laila v.d. Niederheide, SBI a 21, 1998-02-06
Vicky v.d. Niederheide, SBI b 21
Change cat
GIC Olaf van de Simona's, SBI b 21
GIC Shari v.d. Edelhof, SBI j, 1996-08-06